Monday, September 7, 2009

The Cemetery Box

Find this sign (yes, I know they replaced the sign but the name of the Chapel is still the same) in eastern Berks County to find another member of the Pennsylvania National Register of Historic Places. Once you find it, take a tour of the cemetery where you will find the grave of William Bird, the founder of Birdsboro. When your tour is finished, take a break on the steps at the back of the original church facing the little useless but cute bench. Casually reach under the left side of the top step and remove the stone which is covering the box.  Once when I was checking on the box, a bunny came running out of the same hole so the box may have company.

I don't live far from this box, if you want to do an exchange, just let me know and I can meet you here.

Length of walk: less than .1 mile
Elevation: 0 feet
Date Planted: 09/07/09
Color needed for stamp: Black

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mordecai's Grandson

Most people know that I was born in Kentucky and I am buried in Illinois but maybe they don't know that some of my roots are anchored right here in Berks County. Great great grandpa Mordecai moved here with Great Grandpa John at a time when Berks County was still a part of Chester County. Today, the house that they lived in is listed on the National Historic Register. Find the house on the road named after my family and from the historic marker, drive 1.4 miles east. When you see the white fence, turn left into the second driveway and park your car.

Walk past the white gazebo and head for the shrubbery. When you find the cluster which consists of three yews and two blue cedar, duck into the nook created by the second cedar and the second and third yews. Facing the road, look on the lower branches of the yew to the right. The shrubs form a perfect hiding spot for stamping in.

Length of walk: .1 mile
Elevation: 5 feet
Date Planted: 09/07/09
Color needed for stamp: Black

5/8/10 Edited to add: When my sister and I went to check on this box last week, it was gone. The next day I received an email from some people who maintain the land where the box was hidden. They had found the box while doing some maintenance and didn't know what it was so they removed it. When I explained its purpose, they were very excited about the idea and put the box back. Please appreciate what is being done with this area when you visit. The work here is something that is unique to me and I am very glad that I found this location.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Angelica Angel

Park on the northeast side of the parking lot at Angelica Park off of Route 10. Heading east, cross the street and go up the hill. Look for a very large tree which splits into a V about fifteen feet up. This tree has a large hole in the front of it. Enter the woods and go 46 steps from this tree towards the rock wall at the edge of the woods. You will see a tree which has a large rock on its left hand side. At the base of this tree is my little angel.

Location: Angelica Park, Reading, PA
Hike Length: 0.1 miles
Elevation Game: 15 feet
Date Planted: October 23, 2005

09/07/09 Report from Anne of Green Gables that box is still intact although a little damp.
07/30/06 checked on box, it had a little water in it but thanks to the rebagging efforts of the last finder, everything was in good shape.

Last found: 09/07/09