Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Gravest of Hobbies

Location: Reading PA
Hike Length: 0.5 miles
Elevation Gain: 25 feet
Date Planted: November 3, 2005

I checked on this box 4/22/10 and all is well.

I was poking around a local cemetery on a beautiful autumn day when I accidentally discovered a pretty little trail. As fate would have it, I had a retired PLB in my car which had been created to represent my other passion - genealogy, so I set off down the trail looking for adventure or, more accurately, release from the tension I had from a full day of medical testing. To find this trail, go to the cemetery on W. Neversink Road. Drive the whole way to the end, passing the two large cannons about midway. I am not sure why there are cannons in a sedate little cemetery, but they provide a good landmark. When you find the stone and wood archway leading into a strange and rather charming looking final resting area, you should also see a pond with a fountain.Cross the bridge over the pond. This bridge wasn't there when I planted the box and I had to ford the stream above the pond. Enjoy the scenery here.

When you get to the other side, head to the left and downhill. You will pass two V's in the trail, choose the right one each time. Be careful, it had been fairly dry when I took the walk but even then this trail had several muddy areas. Eventually you will come to a tunnel under the railroad. Walk down and take a look at the Schuylkill River. When you have seen enough of our local waterway, turn around and go back through the tunnel. From the north end of the this tunnel, backtrack 50 steps to a very large two trunked tree about fifteen feet up the hill on the left side. The letterbox is in the V of this tree.

Please respect the cemetery as you are passing through it and enjoy your walk.

Last found: November 10, 2012

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